5 Crucial Tips to Stop Procrastination

What Are You Waiting For?!

As a self confessed procrastinator at the best of times. I do not like to be too hard on ones self, so after some much 'needed' procrastination, I had to get busy and make things happen and instead of 'just' thinking and talking about it, I had to find the motivation to make things happen.
So without teaching you how to 'suck eggs'the following tips help me to get off my behind and get things done:

1. Keep two sets of lists; the first is a list of long term goals, only for 90 days as any longer may become daunting. The second is a short term list which are your daily goals required to achieve your long term goals.

2. Re-set your alarm an hour earlier; then usual (without the snooze setting!) and get up and exercise for 45 minutes, or 15 minutes to start and gradually increase over time. This is a sure way to improve your enthusiasm for the day ahead not to mention your health and sexy body.

3. Avoid distractions; whilst you are trying to get anything done and complete. This is anything from friends who over monopolize your time on the phone, social networks or TV, we have the facilities to record and view almost anything online so there is no excuse. Easier said then done, maybe, but if you get into the habit of using this discipline it helps. So turn your Blackberry or iPhone off until the end of the day and finish what you started.

4.  Take small steps; One small step at a time makes a huge difference. Avoid trying to do too much at once as it can become frustrating when you feel you have not done enough. Each small step we make is a step closer to our goals. Don't be too hard on yourself.

5. Let go of fear; all of us in one way or another subconsciously fear failure. Tell yourself daily 'Today nothing will get in my way of success' or say whatever encourages or inspires you to face your fears head on and do not be afraid to ask for help from a friend or loved one when you need to lighten the load.

Happy Go Getting ;-)